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Last updated on January 26, 2023

At Work

Big Goals

The big things you want to accomplish in your career i.e. learn a new skill, reach a career goal, increase customer satisfaction by 10%, etc.

  1. One day, I want to write a book about UX
  2. As a part of my professional development, I need to learn Webflow
  3. Our team need to improve activation of users by 10% in Q3
  4. [write a goal here]

Brag-worthy Projects

The projects in your career that you want to remember for your resumé i.e. brand redesign project, information architecture improvements, etc.

Project background What you did The impact it had
We were tasked with coming up with a new brand for the Guild of Working Designers I gathered the internal requirements, did some user interviews, and ran some first-click tests Surveyed the audience for both our main brand and the innovation project and achieved a +22% improvement on the new innovation branding

Work Initiatives

Work projects where you took initiative to improve things i.e. organized a re-branding initiative, automated a flow, started a lunch & learn program, etc.